Attention to all advice firms out there! A crucial responsibility demands immediate action. Annual Conduct Rules Training is a Must! Every advice firm must ensure the completion of Annual Conduct Rules Training by ALL staff (excluding ancillary staff). This crucial step is essential to maintain high standards and elevate our industry. Let's collectively commit to excellence! Attest or Update Your Directory Persons Data on FCA Connect In addition to the training, it's time to meticulously review your directory persons data. Guarantee its currency and precision by either updating or attesting through FCA Connect. Let's ensure our information remains current and readily accessible! Providing Support for Conduct Rules Training Don't forget that we offer support for firms when it comes to Conduct Rules Training. Take advantage of our resources to enhance your training programs and ensure compliance. Let's Stay Compliant and Informed! By fulfilling these tasks, we not only adhere to regulations but also fortify the integrity of our advice community. Spread the word, tag your colleagues, and let's ensure everyone is on board! Contact our Compliance Officer, David Potton, for advice and support on how to complete this. T: 0121 296 9987 E: professionalsupport@ thepremierequityreleaseclub.